Tessa 9 weeks!
Getting big! Tessa is doing great. She is a little Momma's girl but calms right down lying on my chest. She is doing better at night and only has her witching hour crying fits a few times a week. She hates the crib (HATES IT!) but loves the changing table - no clue what the difference is :) and she sleeps curled up right next to me. She sleeps all night maybe waking up to feed once or twice but goes right back to bed and then sleeps until 9/10am after I get up which is a nice little "get stuff done with two hands" time. She still likes the Moby but is getting a little big for the curled up chest position so we use the Ergo sometimes now too. When she is tired she is super cranky until she falls asleep but a swaddle and the binky helps put her right down! The girls love to "make her feel better" when she cries and they do a pretty good job with it :)