Our First 4H Fair Experience


Last week we spent five full days at the Siskiyou Golden Fair supporting Francie as she showed her first steer, TImmy. She worked really hard all year to choose him from our herd and purchase him from us with a loan, buy his feed and work on the best rations as he grew with her Dad, halter train him and walk him everyday, learn how to groom and fit him and all about 4H Showmanship with her Fort Jones 4H Club and awesome leader, Karin.

We took Timmy to the fairgrounds Tuesday night and stayed until Sunday evening after the livestock auction. We camped out in the RV lot and were up before the sun everyday to clean stalls and feed and water Timmy. Francie was 100% responsible for all of his care (parents can't be hands on!) but we were there to support and encourage her and we loved the chance to watch her and her club in action. 

Francie placed 4th in her group in Showmanship and earned a pink ribbon - she was SO THRILLED to get a ribbon! Timmy placed 4th in his weight class for market which we were all really impressed with too! 

Francie walked Timmy into the Livestock Auction ring Sunday morning and he was sold to our local vet Dr Amy and her veterinary practice. It's a bittersweet ending but as Francie said "we bred him and I raised him and fed him to be really good meat. I'd rather see him have a purpose and feed a family than get old and sick and end up in the dead pile."

We are all so thankful for this experience and can't wait to do it again next year... and all the years in the future with all four Marys!

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Cousins and 4H experts Ellie and Kate came to visit with Oma and stayed to help Francie the second half of the week!


And after a few 5am wake up calls and full days of barn duty and fair FUN and late night card games with her club-mates, Francie fell fast asleep under the camp trailer for a good long afternoon nap!


Francie all cleaned up in her 4H whites and Timmy groomed and fitted for the show ring. We were so nervous for her but she did fantastic! (especially since the practice ring a few days earlier did NOT go well and Timmy was such a bull he had her in tears coming out.) Everyone was thankful he behaved himself and she showed him who was boss in the showmanship class. 


Proud Momma and a very proud 9 year old with her first hard earned ribbon - 4th place!


And this sweet moment coming out of the show ring between Dad and Daughter still gets me a little teared up!! I've never seen him nervous about anything but he was sweating bullets for her. Lots of relief and excitement coming out of the ring for her first time!


And a recap of the week in a little video of our first 4H experience. Love these kids and so loved watching them work together in kindness and camaraderie all week. Thanks Fort Jones 4H and the Siskiyou Golden Fair!