Maisie the Mayor

Maisie was "The Mayor" of preschool and got to raise the flag in the morning and pick a "Vice President" as she called it :) We all went to school in the morning to watch her - she was so proud! (Heff actually took the girls skiing that day and waited to leave later since Maisie did NOT want to miss being Mayor.

Teacher Jamie asking her who she wanted to pick to be Vice Mayor -

She picked her little 3's group friend Chloe


proud Maisie

Raising it up

Teacher Jamie asked "Do you want to say "Ok have a great day!" and Maisie said "No thanks :)

JJ thought she was so cool to get to play for awhile. Emmy walked over to her and she looks over her shoulder and said "Emmy - go away."

walking home with the babies!

School Photos 2012

wow - great of Francie but not Maisie's best :) This was the day Francie insisted on a headband AND bow/hairband and Maisie came out dressed in too-short leggings and a hand-me-down "San Jose State Princess" pink and purple t-shirt with a crown on it (thanks Emmy :) I MADE her promise to put this smocked dress that was mine on for the picture. They came back and I said "wow looks like Maisie is out of a polygymist cult" and Heff goes "that's because you made her wear that dress!"

Sorry about the watermark - not springing $99 for the originals of these images!

Preschool Updates

The girls are adjusting to preschool and waking up early every morning! The start of the real world :) We've had it pretty easy for the past almost 5 years - but despite having to practically crane them out of their warm beds they are happy campers. Brian and I usually both get them ready but sometimes he let's me sleep in and does it all himself :) Hair brushed, snack packed and breakfast and then they head off up the hill to pick up the neighbor train of kids and all walk to school. It's not a quick process but Heff gets up super early to work and likes the break in his morning to spend time with his girls. We get great updates from the teachers on the girls days like this one...

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