My long weekend in iPhone pictures... Heff just got back from 5 full days of elk/deer hunting in Oregon with his brother-in-laws Doug and Donald (how lucky is he is sister's married guys who love to hunt!?) We survived without him even though Jannie and Grampa were in Las Vegas! We hung out with Emily who is due with her first baby ANY second and tried to keep ourselves entertained without our main squeeze. Of course it's when he is gone Maisie decides to barf three times for no apparent reason. We are glad you are back Daddy!
This was the night before he left- late night walk downtown for "ice cream you can put your stuff on" as Francie calls it
only one smiler per picture allowed I guess
Thursday night we met friends at the farmer's market and indulged in berry crepes covered in whip cream and then rainbow snow comes eaten on the asphalt in the middle of the street while we listened to music. (and this wasn't even the puker night :)
We played at home a lot with some new lego's and Francie played "baby" with Maisie. She changed her diaper herself (it didn't stay on exactly but A for the effort!) Then of course she got to be the baby and insisted on wearing a size 2-3 diaper herself.
We went over to check out Emily's nursery (Francie wanted to make sure she had toys and onesies for the new baby) and we walked over to crash her neighborhood block party since we saw two bounce houses up!
Facepaint. Serious business. Francie requested a black spider with silver sparkles.
Maisie even had a turn! She got a pink smudge we called a flower before she decided she was done.
Then out for
SPICY mexican food at Milagros to induce labor (her husband went on a quick camping trip overnight, we were giving him a hard time but he was 30 minutes away and had cell service. Still would have been a good story if that was the night she went into labor!)
girls split make your own sundae's. Maisie started out sleeping in the stroller behind us and while the food was being put on the table we were distracted and didn't hear/see her wake up. She stood up in her stroller like Baby Godzilla and the table behind us was cracking up
and Sunday we went to play at Jannie's, she took them on a long walk to Peninsula school. Then Rosewood for some sun on the patio and lunch with friends, then record fast naps at home while our friends stayed to play and early dinner downtown Los Altos with three kids in my new triple wide stroller I ordered from the UK that finally came- I need to take pictures of it, it's slightly crazy but I love it :)