Flea Market Finds

Here are the treasures I brought home from the Alameda Antique Fair. Heff told Aunt Kat as we left- "ask Mary two questions before she buys anything. "Do you love it? and will you still love it in 30 years?" I thought I kept myself in check pretty well!

a set of four little school chairs for the playroom. They had 8 and Heff actually couldn't believe I didn't buy all of them. I love shopping in bulk :) But if they had all fit in my wagon it might have been a different story.

This old preschool cubbie restored and painted turquoise. I was going to use it for dress up in the playroom but it is so useful to catch the shoes, jackets, diaper bags and STUFF next to the front door

And I wanted a bunch of A-Z letters to make a wall of "spelling" with magnetic paint but I think these ones will go better on the wall in the playroom for a permanent home. Just in case we forget what we are supposed to do in a playroom.

and I got a few smaller ones for here and there

and these old wooden stacking blocks that reminded me of the great upstairs sunroom/playroom we had growing up on Palomar Drive. A lot of time spent in PJ's and LL Bean sleeping bags on the giant green couch and shag carpet playing with blocks... then soon enough Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo and dodging flying blocks like these when Luigi fell off the magic mushroom on the last life.

My mom created such a fun and organized playroom for us- I hope this room turns out half as good!