Dinner with Clara

Last Saturday night we went over to Mark and Sarah's house for a yummy dinner- their food is always rich in culture and taste! The girls had fun playing outside together and I had fun with a new lens our new neighbor Bill is letting me borrow (the 85mm 1.2- wow!) It does all the work for you except make the kids (2.5 year olds in particular) look at the camera. It's so fun to live close to Mark and Sarah again- we were 1 mile away in Menlo Park and by chance both moved further south in the same month! They have a really cute house and great neighbors- and Francie is pretty jealous Clara's chickens got to come with her! (but a side note- our new neighbors were reading my blog and emailed "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be those neighbors who move in with chickens! We want to get chickens!!" SO maybe a coop will be in our future again next Spring :)

Maisie Moo

Clara Marie

and Francie the Gardener who won't look at her mom when she has a camera in her hands (how many times did I have to say "Francie! Keep the dirt IN the plants!")

the lemon tree didn't fare so well... but still looks so pretty dead somehow!

the closest I got to a photo of all three busy ladies

thanks Clara!