Hot Stuff

I haven't been a very good picture-taker/blogger this week. We've been trying to figure out what furniture we need where (but got a new bed today- a GIANT QUEEN- graduated from the double and we feel like grown-ups now :) and fixing up a couple bathrooms and getting everything settled in a new house. We are loving it here and still can't believe this is our house!!

Maisie hanging out on the patio at Rosewood- she thinks she is hilarious putting on everyone's sunglasses

"What? You sayin' I'm not?!"

and it seems like I just posted video of her first timid steps but she is a walking machine now. She is bow-legged and walks like a little old lady but she can get going! Tonight we all went to Costco to stock up and Maisie kept wanting to walk herself- well she might not have had shoes on and we might have gotten home before we looked at the bottom of her bare feet and saw they were BLACK!

and Maisie loves books - this one is her favorite. I think it's called "Doggies" by Sandra Boynton. She makes the different doggie sounds- her favorite "uggggg" and "mmm-mmmm" and she gets sooo excited if you read to her- but only for a few pages and then she's over it.

and of course she loves her sister and follows her around everywhere. She's learned to flinch really well.