We graduated from Ultrasound

So we had our 7th attempt this morning in Radiology at Palo Alto Medical to take an ultrasound picture of Baby Heff's backside. This baby either likes to snuggle in and not go anywhere or it's embarrassed for those people to be taking pictures of it's rear end! After 2 weeks and 7 visits, we were really starting to get worried that something might be wrong, even though the techs were telling us it's normal for the baby to be in a difficult position to get every picture they need. They did tell us today they think we set a record and they don't want to see us in there again! After the Ultrasound we had a regular doctor's appointment with Dr. Nicole Hong who will hopefully deliver Baby Heff. She reported everything looks normal and is progressing along. Revised due date of September 22 (which we like since we were married July 22!) and we go again in 3 weeks. She told us it's time to start signing up for childbirth classes at Packard Children's Hospital and getting ready for the third trimester! We can't wait to meet you Baby Heff and thanks for finally cooperating so your parents don't have to spend every other day in the ultrasound department worrying about you!!

We're off to Vegas tomorrow for "Baby Ann's" 21st birthday celebration with the family... more virgin Pina Colada's by the pool for me and Baby Heff!