As I write this- my little night owl is coming up with reason number 22 she isn't tired.
so I'll just write about you Francie... at 2.5.
You weigh 36 pounds- we discovered today when you found a scale buried in the closet. But you were upset because you didn't want to be 36. You wanted to be 2.

You are a easy to handle and well behaved most of the time... although those lapses are coming a lot more frequently lately! We try to pick our battles with you but you are stubborn and persistent (humm, wonder where you got that from?)

You ask all sorts of questions and aren't easily satisfied with the answers.
"Mom- what is under our house?"
"Dirt Francie."
"But then where does my poop go?"
so maybe tomorrow we will check out the pipes in our house.

You eat like a bird and aren't that interested in food - except anything sweet or sugary. Your favorites are parmesan cheese (straight up), tomatoes, Jannie's carrot soup, marshmallows/s'mores and apple sauce mash ups. You like deer meat, piggy meat and rocky the cow meat- as long as the animal that was killed for your plate was an "Uncle Deer. Not a Mom Deer, a Dad Deer or Big Sister Deer- ONLY Uncle Deers are the ones you can shoot Dad"

You are a great big sister to Maisie. You take care of her in the wagon or the back seat of the car and feed her raisins or half of your z-bar. You make her laugh and you have all kinds of crazy nicknames for her- mostly Moo-Doo and Tack-Tack (somehow short for shark attack). You try to teach her things- but it's a frustrating task teaching things to a one year old so you usually give up. Sometimes you can't help yourself and have to give her a little "pat" too hard but most of the time you are gentle and sweet with her.

and of course you keep us laughing with the funny things you say-
Heff asked the other day if you wanted to watch a hunting video- he tried to get Maisie to watch with you guys but she was busy in the toy bin and you said
"Apparently she would rather play with her toys Dad."
You looked out the window on the drive to Red Bluff and said
"LOOK! A crop-duster spraying chemicals! But it's ok- it keeps the bugs out of the rice."

The other morning I was listening to you and Dad getting ready in the morning...
Francie: "What are you doing Dad?"
Heff: "Shaving."
Francie: "You're shaving off your scratchy face?"
Heff: "Yup, I don't want another beard to sneak up on me."
Francie: "You mean you don't want it to SURPRISE you?"
Heff: "Yes you little Thesaurus."
and tonight you were rolling around in mom and dads (green) room saying
"I wish I had a green room. (sighhhh) But I don't. I have a blue room. It's like the wrong color." Too bad that one didn't get you out of going to bed in your BLUE room! (she's fast asleep in her own bed now :)