Waiting and Waiting
/These days/weeks waiting for a baby are so much fun but such torture! (kind of like my not-so-sweet-and-innocnet little stinker's faces when I asked them to smile nicely for Emmy:)
It really is a fun time I always look back on and want to do all over again- thinking every twitch could mean a baby is coming and knowing you get to meet this new little baby any minute! But it's also so hard not to be able to plan anything, to feel like you've been waiting forever and to just be done with being pregnant and kind of uncomfortable. But it's all worth it in the end and I'll try to be patient (not one of my strong points :)
I go to the hospital 1-2 times a week for a Non-Stress Test (since my OB is part of the high-risk clinic so he's used to being extra cautious) to check out the baby and see how it's heart rate/fluid levels etc are. I know the ladies well and every time it's the same "baby looks good, you look fine, see ya next time" which I know is great news but it would be nice to have some action already! I was reading People magazine last week getting my haircut and my horoscope said "This is a great week to organize your life, as you will soon be busy with a remarkable person." I'm organized and ready to meet you baby!
Heff's birthday came and went so we're all clear for a 15, 16, 17 or 18 baby!