Mary Frances got a little lamb...

Francie went to the Tehama County Fair in Red Bluff on Saturday!

With Mom and Dad by the Ferris Wheel (mom has learned how to nurse on the go since she's not very good at sitting still)

Francie wishing she could have just a bite of a jumbo corndog with Oma and Aunt Kat

The Flynn's met us at the Fair (Eva and Spencer)

Heff's god-daughter Madeline and his daughter!

The whole crowd in the grandstands watching the Junior Livestock Auction

Francie's cute booties from Aunt Em were a big hit at the Fair

Dad bought Francie this pig! It was the only one with a pink ribbon tied around it's belly while being auctioned off, he couldn't resist

Here is Francie meeting "Jessyca" who's pig Dad bought. Jessyca came up to the stands to thank us for buying her pig, she told us the pig's name was Lucy and she was going to save the money from the pig for school.

The auctioners thanking the "Law Offices of Brian T. Heffernan" for his support... good luck writing that one off Heff:)

Spencer and Eva loved sitting on Brian's lap to watch the auction

Sutter and Remington showing off their 4H ribbons

Sleeping with Aunt Kat (yes Mom has me in the same cowboy outfit I was wearing for a few hours yesterday, how embarassing)

Francie decided she didn't like pork as much as she likes lamb, so she convinced her dad to buy a sheep too from this little girl, Andrea, who's dad went to high school with Heff.
Andrea brought us a thank you basket of goodies and a note that said...
"Thank you for supporting me and buying my sheep. I hope you like the food. Sincerely, Andrea"

Dad taking Francie to visit her animals before they go to slaughter and end up on our dinner table

Francie meets "Lucy" the 258 pound pig up close and personal

Mare & Francie with Andrea and her lamb "Buddy"

Madeline riding the Mechanical Bull... Francie really wanted to but decided to wait until next year's fair when she'll have a little more head and neck control

Leaving the Fair... next year you'll have even more fun Francie and maybe someday you can show a pig like your Daddy used to!

Going home to Oma and Opa's house... you can't even see me in my camo car seat!

Francie Goes to Red Bluff

Francie likes Red Bluff... She's been sleeping, eating and being passed around to lots of hands. We've been enjoying being taken care of by Claire and Cathleen, Francie and I hung out around the house today while Heff had a meeting and went out on the ranch to sight his rifle for the upcoming deer season. I left Francie for the first time today! While Heff was at his meeting I ran an errand with cousin Margaret in Redding to get a carseat for Claire's car. Francie was very good for her grandma and slept the whole time while Oma knit. We're ready for the Tehama County Fair tomorrow!

Here she is meeting her Opa

Sleeping on her Oma

Claire multi-tasking, knitting a cute pink and white hat

Aunt Kat and Francie before dinner

Cosuin Margaret (Ronan's Mom) with Francie

Cousin Ronan is only 4 months older than Francie... we'll have 7 cousins under 5 years old at the Heffernan Christmas this year, lots of fun!

Three generations of "First Born" Heffernans!

Cooing for her dad

"Noodle baby" at the dinner table

Our favorite activity in Red Bluff. Claire, Margaret and Cathleen playing board games, no Super Scrabble this trip yet :)

Tired out and ready for bed

Francie's First Road Trip

Francie caught up on some sleep while we packed up ALL the gear for a trip to Red Bluff to visit Oma and meet Opa, Aunt Cathleen, Margaret and Baby Ronan. Thank goodness we have big cars! She was great on the car ride and slept the whole way... even with a 45 minute delay for a accident that closed the road (no complaints from us for the delay, just happy to arrive safely... you get a lot more paranoid about stuff when you have a baby!) and everyone in Red Bluff was excited to see Francie.

Heff thinks Francie sleeps like a "stinkbug" all curlled up with her little bum in the air. (She usually sleeps on her back like she's suppsoed to, she's just trying out her crib for a few minutes here:)

"MOM!!" I woke her up from a peaceful sleep to get her ready for her first trip to Red Bluff... this is her onesie from Auntie Baby Ann at Vandy

Jannie helping change her... boy, is she going to miss Francie for the next three days!

Francie in her leisure suit comfy for a car trip

Dad loaded up the car for us and is getting Francie ready to go in her camo carseat for the first time

Francie hanging out at home

I'm not letting go of this binky (Dad picked out the binky holder... how cute!)

Our good friend Ann Skidmore came over to meet Francie and brought us yummy chicken soup. She and my mom met in Lamaze class when they were pregnant with me and Jen... Ann remembers when I was this tiny!

Dad home from a few hours in the office and back to assuming his favorite position (Francie's favorite too!)

Mary Frances in her cute sweater Jannie just finished

She likes her matching booties too (too hot for the hat today)

"You are nuts Grannie Jannie..."

" you realize this sweater you worked so hard on shows my little belly when I stretch my arms up!?"

Sorry Francie, we'll put a onesie on under it next time! View from the back...

New mirror in the stroller for Francie to check herself out... and check out the multiple outfits she gets changed into everyday thanks to her mom and Jannie!

Francie's Crazy Uncles

Poker Face: I think my brothers James and Jerry are anxious to get Francie dealt into their card games. Jerry sent me an email saying: "I was reading, thought this was a great pic, downloaded it, one thing lead to another..."
James and Jerry are both so excited to be uncles for the first time... Francie better be ready for her crazy uncles to dote on her for a long time :) They both claimed they knew she would be a "first girl" (like her mom and grandma) to boss around future grandchildren and rule the roost. Jerry called her "MJ" when she was born and my mom said "No Jerry, it's Mary Frances... MF" to which Jerry responded "No MJ for Mary Junior!"

Uncle Jerry and "Mary Junior"

Unlce James in SF Giants colors meeting Francie for the first time (she's only 2 hours old in this picture!)

The boys live in San Francisco in an apartment near the ballpark. Jerry especially LOVES Giant's games and Barry Bonds. They went to Barry's last game as an SF Giant last night and sent Francie a picture of the sign they made for the game that was apparently very popular with the crowd. If you aren't a Giant's fan, Barry's record breaking Home Run ball was purchased by some guy who wanted the public to vote and decide what should be done with it:

Option 1: Send to the Hall of Fame
Option 2: Send to the Hall of Fame with an Asterisk (saying the record was tainted by possible steriod use)
Option 3: Launch into Outer Space
"With over 10 million votes recorded and tabulated, the results are clear..."

Good Mornings

Francie is a great baby... so far! She loves to sleep and eat and when she does cry she's usually pretty easy to soothe. Our favorite parts of the day are when she's awake and alert and she just looks at you with her big, still deep blue, eyes. She makes such funny faces! We could just stare at he all day whether she's sleeping soundly or awake and checking out her new world. At night, she's been starting out in her bassinet and waking up around 1am to nurse, then sleeps (usually on one of our chest's... we're allowed to spoil her for a few weeks right?!) and wakes up again at 6am to nurse, then sleeps until 9 or 10am! Her mother trained her well, I'd sleep-in in the mornings while I was pregnant and tell Heff I was training the baby to sleep late in the mornings :) Heff and I wake up between 7:30-8:00ish and he sets me up on the couch to watch the Today show and check my emails while I hold sleeping Francie and wait for her to wake up and eat. Life is pretty good.

BINKY girl!! So we tried the binky yesterday... she loves it :) Shes not a fussy baby but loves to suck on Dad's pinky finger and is a great little nurser. There just seem to be times she's not hungry but looks for something to pacify herself. The pediatrician said he isn't opposed to a pacifier early on but recommended waiting a couple weeks so she doesn't have any unneccessary problems nursing. So we made it a full week but couldn't resist trying it out for the car ride yesterday running errands, she's still not a huge fan of the carseat. We'll ease into it but she looks so cute with a binky in!

Her favorite places to sleep... laid out on Dad or snuggled up with Mom. She looks so tiny on Heff but check out those big feet! (Heff is a size 14 and I'm an 11, sorry Francie you're doomed!)

Francie's First Doctors Appointment

Dr. Cisco came by the house Monday afternoon for Francie's first check-up (complete with his old fashioned medical bag he had from medical school!) He saw her everyday at the hospital and helped us get discharged Saturday morning so he's seen Francie everyday of her life except Sunday. It is really comforting to know she is healthy and to be able to ask him all of our silly new parents questions. We had a little baby scale at the house and a "check up station" for Dr. Cisco, she weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and got a clean bill. We'll see him again next week!

Some more naked baby girl pictures after the doctor left (we couldn't resist!)

Errands around town and lunch out

Monday afternoon we ventured out to get some errands done downtown Menlo Park. We introduced Francie to the girls at Academic Trainers, picked out some new stationary for dad and got some groceries for Mark & Sarahs special Thai dinner they planned to cook for everyone tonight. We all had lunch outside at Mom's favorite, Cafe Borrone. It was nice to be out sitting in the sun and sharing it all with Francie. We just still can't believe she's ours!!!

Family photo :)

We love Dad's "paternity leave" but this will hopefully be the first of many lunch times with dad at Cafe Barrone's as it's half way between my office and Heff's office (2 blocks each way!)

We love having both Oma and Jannie here too!

Crab Dinner at Grandpa & Jannie's to celebrate the new member of the family

Francie's first dinner out! Getting ready to go to Grandpa and Jannie's house for a celebratory Cracked Crab Dinner, a tradition in the Simo family for bringing babies home.

Trying out the crib in Grandpa and Jannie's pink nursery - Jannie made this quilt for Francie this morning! We love pink all of the sudden :)

Francie is pretty popular! (Auntie Baby Ann thinks she shoud have her own Facebook page because all of her friends at Vandy want to be friends with Francie) Here: James, Em, Jannie and Heff looking in

Big Yawn!

Uncle Mark also deserved a toast for the evening as he just completed his PhD in Computer Engineering (although when I asked Claire and Brian what it exactly focused on they paused and said "Hmmmm, well it has to do with compilers) He's working at Google now to make things faster is the answer we settled on :)

Francie slept in a bassinet on the table next to the dinner table, she was sleeping soundly while we toasted our wine glasses and cracked crab

James and Em in their crab bibs

The new Dad at at head of the table along with the other Dad, Grandpa!

Uncle Jerry & Allison

The new parents

Oma, Jannie and Kat

Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah - Francie was born on Aunt Sarah's birthday!

Big yawn for her godfather, she woke up right after dessert

Jannie was appalled we changed Francie's diaper and put her PJ's on at the dining room table :) I think Francie will get away with ANYTHING at Grandpa and Jannie's house!

Francie's first days at home

She's getting bigger... Francie is eating well and gaining weight, we didn't expect anyless as she IS a Heffernan and likes to eat! The picture above is Francie at 6 days old, but I think she looks "older" than the top picture in the last post from the day she left the hospital at 4 days old. (I know, we're already turning into those obnoxious parents we used to make fun of:) But we're having fun at home as a family with lots of help from our moms, Oma and Jannie. Our neighbors have been great bringing meals for us and visiting with the new member of the neighborhood. We've also been organizing the house and trying to make it work for a real live baby (and not just to look cute for blog pictures), doing lots of baby laundry and just hanging out with Francie!

Sleeping on Dad's chest in her little sleeping gown

Going on our first walk around the neighborhood on Sunday... little Alexa who lives across the street came over with Dad to meet her new friend Francie

Francie "Pretty in Pink"

In the Bugaboo for the first time... she looks so tiny in there!

Jannie and Oma helping make sure we don't go hungry - THANKS MOMS!

Grandpa LOVES holding his granddaughter, especially with a glass of wine while Jannie brings him some snacks... it doesn't get much better than that

Oma and Aunt Kat who came over afterschool to visit with her god-daughter

Bedtime! Heff looks only slightly more comfortable than he did in the hospital bed-chair :) He loves having Francie fall asleep on his chest

Welcome Home Mary Frances!

Her diaper bag all ready to go with her Going-Home-From-the-Hospital Attire... Em gave her the adorable outfit and my mom and I made her white ruffly blanket together.

Naked baby girl

Dad getting Francie dressed and ready to go HOME

Ceremoniously taking of her "Lindsay Lohan" security ankle bracelet

Mom and her Sweet Baby

She's MAD!! Heff says her eyes are burned from mom taking too many pictures :)

The Heff's. We're a family of three now!

Heading out to the car... we can't believe they are actually letting us take this beautiful baby home! We feel soo lucky.

Outside Lucile Packard on September 22 (her due date!)

A rainy day for Francie, her first time outside!

Not so sure about this carseat thing

Welcome home Francie (Jannie made a banner for us and was already at the house cleaning, organizing and warming it up to make a clean, cozy homecoming for the baby)

Dad is so excited to have "his girls" home

The rain washed everything clean for a new baby :) Made or a great weeknd to watch football and snuggle in at home with Francie

Oh dogs, you are going to be spending a lot more time on that side of the door

This banner was in my dad's office the day I was born! I can't believe my mom still had it, my Dad's secretary made it for him and decorated his office in PINK! (You can kind of see the pictures on the left stuck in the frames of my parents in 1978 under the same banner)

Welcome Home Mary Frances... we hope you like your house (and we hope you don't mind blue!!)

Friday hanging out with Mom & Dad

Mary Frances at three days old

Our last official day in the hospital, most of it we spent just hanging out and getting to know Francie. The standard stay for a c-section is four nights and we could have gone home Friday night if we wanted to... but I was surprised to like our stay in the hospital! I told Heff it was kind of like being at summer camp, you can go down the hall to breastfeeding classes (I know, me and my classes:), you get to pick you food for every meal (and it was for the most part good food!), people come and visit you and there are all these other people there in the exact same situation you are with babies the EXACT same age! There were even two other couples we knew (both fathers I went to grammar school with) on the floor with newborns. So we followed protocol and Heff weathered yet another night in the reclining chair.

Daddy and his "lovey"

Mom snuggling with Francie

Smiling in her sleep (dreaming of passing gas Francie?:)

Mary and Francie getting some "hospital exercise" together (Thanks for the pretty tulips Jerry and Georgia!)

Dad is a PRO at changing diapers! Here with one of many of the great nurses who took good care of all of us

Our friend Johnny brought a pasta dinner and cute gift for Francie... he also gave her a Binky from that makes her look like she has huge red lips and buck teeth!

Dad attempting to do some work... but he couldn't stop starring at Francie and didn't get more than a few pages done :)

Jannie came to let Heff run home for a shower and some errands... she can't stay away from Francie (unless she's shopping for pink things or whipping up pink blankets, quilts, hats and booties!)

I love my Kissy Kissy outfit from my Oma

Party in Francie's Room!

They moved us into a great private room Thursday afternoon, just in time for visiting hours and a big party for Francie! Heff went to Andronico's to stock up on some snacks and wine for Francie's visitors. We loved our new room and having a little more space to enjoy being new parents and to share her with the family.

"Am I related to all of these people?"

Jannie calming Francie

Cousin Emmy must have pinched the baby:)

Everyone loves Baby Francie!

James and Em back for a visit after work

A "leisure suit" for Francie from her God-father

The Carter's with the Johnets

Jannie squeezing in with HER baby :)

Uncle Jerry and Allison meet Francie (they drove all the way down Tuesday night and just missed visiting hours... despite their best efforts to sneak by security they settled for pictures at dinner with the rest of the family)

Dad pacified the troops with good wine and his daughter with a pinky finger

All that partying wore me out...

Day One

Francie met her pediatrician Dr. Cisco first thing Wednesday morning (Dr. Cisco was my pediatrician too!) He came to the hospital to give her the once over and make sure she was as healthy as she looked. We feel so lucky to have Dr. Cisco's calm, reassuring advice and to know Francie is in good hands.

Francie slept on her mom or her dad's chest most of the night and was fussy on and off as she learned how to breath, sneeze, cough, hiccup, nurse and open her eyes in the real world. We joked the hospital is kinda like Vegas (well, only kinda:) in that you have no idea if it's day or night, especially since we were in a double room the first two nights and had the very small "side" near the door. Our neighbor kept the shutters closed all day and night so we learned to keep our curtain open to the hallway in the day to watch the goings on in the hospital and close it at night to sleep :)

Dad is his chair-bed with new baby Francie

14 hours old

The grandmothers couldn't wait to come back and see Francie in the morning... but only after a quick stop at Neiman-Marcus for some PINK "Kissy Kissy" outfits!

You can's have a baby without See's Candy!

The Arnerich Sisters... Grannie Jannie, Great Aunt Kaky and Great Aunt Mimi

Great Aunt Kaky holds Sweet Baby Francie

Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Kim came for a visit

My Dad, the proud new Grandpa (who took the WHOLE day off work Tuesday in anticipation of Baby Francie... Jannie says he never even did this for his own kids!)

Francie on Mom's lap

Tuesday September 18, 2007 ~ THE BIRTH DAY!

We were overwhelmed and ecstatic Tuesday to welcome our daughter into the world. She arrived four days before her offical due date via a cesarean section. The baby had flipped to the breech position at 38 weeks and this was the only way she was coming out. So our weeks and weeks of natural childbirth classes and preparation were not put to use (Heff asked if we got our money and our Tuesday nights back:) but the end result was a healthy, happy baby and we feel so blessed to have our beautiful baby girl safe in our arms.

Monday we saw Dr. Nicole Hong, our OB/GYN who had been on vacation the previous week when we determined this baby was breech. She did an ultrasound and found the baby's head wedged up under my rib cage and all the way on my right side. She thought the chances of a flip at almost 40 weeks were close to zero and the manual version wasn't likely to work either, but she said she was willing to give it a try. We made a decision to at least attempt the external version and Dr. Hong said she'd go call the hospital to schedule it for Friday September 21. We were excited to have "a plan" and would be happy with a successful version and induced labor or a c-section if the flip didn't work... we just wanted a healthy mom and baby. When Dr. Hong came back to the room she said the hospital was totally booked Friday, but they had an opening tomorrow (Tuesday) if we were ready to go for it. Of course we were! She scheduled us for 11am Tuesday Sept 18.

Heff and I went to lunch together, called our moms to tell them the news and then went to Lucile Children's Hospital at Stanford for an anesthesia consult.

So Tuesday... we prepared for a trip to the hospital but knew there was a chance we'd get "bumped" off the schedule if Labor & Delivery got too busy. I couldn't eat or drnk anything after Monday night and of course could barely sleep I was so excited at the prospect of a baby coming so soon. Our day unfolded about like this...

5:00am ~ Wide awake! Wondering what the day will bring, trying not to get my hopes up but hoping for a baby! Heff and I finished packing the hospital bags, baby bags, camera bags, computer bags (who'd have guessed there was NO wireless internet to be found at Stanford Hospital though!) and getting the house ready.

8:30am ~ Called Labor & Delivery to see if we could come in at 11am as scheduled, we were disappointed, but not surprised to hear they were backed up and to call back at 11:00 to check. Heff and I tried to kill 2+ hours without eating as an option :) We tried to play a game of Super Scrabble but after a score of 32-40 in three turns (pathetic) we agreed we were way too distracted to stay at home. We ran some errands: cash at the bank, stamps at the post office, and lit a few candles at Nativity Church. Amazed we had only killed 45 minutes after all this I sent Heff in to get a sandwhich without me even though he was trying to bear the hunger pains with me.

10:56am ~ Impatient Mary calls L&D... Still backed up, call back at 1:00.

1:02pm ~ Superstitious Mary (thinking waiting a few extra minutes will change their answer) calls L&D. "Oh yes, Heffernan, let me check again." (LONG pause) "COME ON IN!" We load everything up and pack ourselves into the car, knowing that just maybe, the next time we come home we'll have a baby in our arms!

1:40pm ~ Check in at Labor & Delivery (the hospital is only a few minutes away from our house but we had to deal with parking, admissions, etc). Dr. Hong was calling the nurses desk as we checked in, they got us right into a pre-op room and started admissions papers. They put me in a hospital gown and started monitoring the baby, everything looked good. We met the anesthesiologists and they went over what they were going to do for the "ECV" (External Cephalic Version) and then the next steps should we need a C-section. There was another OB, Dr. Swensen, to help with the procedure too. Everyone was great and taking such good care of us from the start.

Mary prepped in Pre-Op

Claire made the drive down from Red Bluff in the morning to my parents house and they all came over to the hospital and found a "lovely waiting area" (as Janet described it, the nurses were laughing at her) right outside L&D. James and Emily came down from the city and Aunt Kat came over right after letting her Room 1 Kindergartners out at 2pm. Our moms were peaking their heads in the pre-op room and anxiously awaiting updates from Heff.

3:00pm ~ Attempting the ECV. We had a team of doctors to attempt the version. I had an epidural already put in with light anesthetic and everyone got in place around the bed and the ultrasound machine to monitor the position of the baby and everything. They gave me a shot in the arm of Terbutaline to relax the muscles (but made my heart race and kind of gave me the shakes) and then dr Swensen tried to "lift" the baby up out of the pelvis and Dr Hong tried to push her head/shoulders around. It was pretty brutal and Heff did not like watching this part. They tried twice and it was pretty clear the baby wasn't moving so Heff put on a pair of scrubs for surgery.

4:06pm ~ I remember seeing the time on the clock when they wheeled me into the operating room. It was all happening so quickly... as the last c-section of the day we had lots of extra hands in the room (4 anestheologists!) They gave me more meds until I couldn't feel the pain sensations in my legs or abdomen, then they put up the sheet and went to work. I could feel what they were doing but it didn't hurt. Heff and I were so excited and kind of scared, we kept talking to each other about what the baby was going to look like and if it was going to be a boy or a girl. I was still SURE it would be a boy and Heff said he thought girl. It was strange and not very comfortable to be so out of it, but Heff kept me feeling ok through the whole thing. All of the sudden we hear "we have a foot.. we have another foot!" and then "we have a bottom!" We were just waiting to hear boy or girl!! Then Dr. Hong said "I know SweetPea, you don't want to come out from under there..." and then all of the sudden the baby was out and..."IT'S A GIRL!!" I was in shock and actually said "A GIRL???" Of course I was thrilled and from the minute I saw her couldn't imagine anything else, but I was in shock she was a SHE!! They cleaned her up and Heff was telling me how perfect she was... they brought her over all wrapped up and we got to finally meet our beautiful daughter.

Mary Frances first picture

Meeting her parents

Heff and one of the nurses took her from the operating room downstairs to Maternity to get cleaned up and checked out in the Well Baby Nursery. He passed by Jan, John, Claire, Kat, James and Em in the hallway (I'm sure most of you have read Janet's email play-by-play for her version of hearing "It's a girl!") and got to briefly introduce his daughter, Mary Frances.

7 pounds 12 Ounces

More tests... she was an 8, then a 9 on her APGAR



Francie and Oma

Jannie and Francie

Three generations of Heffernans! Francie can't wait to meet her Opa too

Grandpa John all smiles with his first grandchild

Em meeting Francie

James, Francie and Mare

Right after Em took this picture we asked Aunt Kat and Uncle James to be Mary Frances' godparents!

Aunt Kat's poster from her Kindergartners was already there to welcome us to the room, we loved it!

Proud Daddy can't stop starring at her after all our visitors leave for the night

I am so lucky... Heff is already such fun to watch as a dad and I was so well taken care of every minute, as is Baby Francie by her Daddy!

At 5 hours old... Goodnight!

Francie's First Days

Isn't she cute! This is Auntie Ann again filling in to add some photos to the blog. If you are a faithful reader I'm sure you've been dying for updates since Mary usually adds details daily. Here is another photo of Francie, this one taken at 2 days old. My mom (Jannie) thinks she looks like I did as a baby which is nice to hear but I should warn Francie that she'll have some serious awkward years to deal with. Everyone has also noticed Francie has very large hands for a baby and I think that is a Simo-Heff trait she got from both parents.

I already bought Francie two summer outfits for when she is almost nine months and comes out for my Vandy graduation in May. Shopping for baby girl clothes is so much fun! Francie is the fourth Heffernan grand-girl of the big family (following Ellie, Kate, and Isabel Rose) and on the Simonson side she is also the fourth girl (following Annette, Jane, and Lucia). She is also starting the oldest girl tradition up again for another generation (Jannie is the oldest of her siblings as well as Mary). Francie is lucky to have two fantastic god-parents as well: Aunt Kat and Uncle James.

She is now 3 days old and a happy and healthy baby enjoying her one on one time with Mary and Heff, especially since they got moved into their own room at Stanford. I'm sure everyone can't wait to have them home for more accessible visiting and tons of pictures and blog posts.


Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan was born at 4:41pm at Stanford Hospital
Weighing in at 7 lbs, 12 ozs. 20 1/4 inches

This is Auntie Ann filling in as a guest blogger since Mary and Heff don't have wireless in the hospital. This photo is our new Baby of the family Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan at 1 day old. And what a cutie she is. It's also the desktop photo on my laptop right now and I've been getting comments in my classes about what a beautiful baby my new niece is. We are all so happy to have a healthy baby girl and even though I'm in Nashville stuck at school until I come home in a month for a visit I love her already. Janet and John are proud grandparents, and Jan will now be known as "Jannie" to little Francie. Looks like all the prep and blogging has finally paid off and I'm sure Mary and Heff can't wait to get Francie home to her nursery.

I'll keep some updates coming until Mary gets back to her computer, thanks for reading :)

As ready as we'll ever be...

Or at least we think we are :) I'm sure that will all change when we have the baby and learn just how unprepared we really were! We randomly drove by a "Car Seat Checkpoint" this afternoon and had the sheriff's office sign off on our car seat installations (I guess you're really supposed to do this and usually have to make an appointment months in advance!) So we were lucky to happen upon it and they took the seat out completely and put it back in again, amazing how much tighter they can get them in there. Heff brought me home and took his truck back... so I missed the look on his face when the Sheriff opened the rear door of his Diesel F250 pick up truck, saw the Camo carseat and then the box of rifle shells in the door next to it! BUSTED! Heff explained he had them to "sight in his deer rifle" and they would be put away in the gun safe before we put a baby in the car. Babies and bullets don't mix :)

So here are some updated pictures of the nursery.

Our glider finally arrived (so much for the "quick ship"... it took 3 months!)

Lots more baby stuff in here since the first nursery pictures we took...

Changing table (we need to make the mobile a little higher or the baby will have giraffes in it's face)

We painted a bookshelf to house our ever growing collection of baby books and baby blankets...

loaded up...

Our room with the bassinet (yes, I like blue and No, we really don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl!)