After the ceremony we gathered at The Elms Mansion for the reception and to let the party begin!
Bridesmaids at the reception

Jen and Zach with Jen's family - Clark, Ann and Earl

My pretty flowers in my diaper bag- pretty much sums up the weekend juggling both :)

Bride and Groom as the sun goes down

Flower Girls waiting to come on in

Jerry and Jannie

Pat and ABA with her goddaughter (she did a great job keeping her happy from the time we left the hotel for pictures, through the ceremony AND the bus ride to the reception- nice work stand in mom :)

The tables were so beautiful- I LOVED these tablecloths!

Pat, My Dad and Heff camped out at the Champagne Bar (yum- four champs cocktails including my favorite French 75)

Francie and Maison

Chaos ensues at the request of a family photoβ¦

close enough

and then Janie got MAD! :)

More champagne bar - a Simo family fav

Jen's First Dance with her dad
then they got EVERYBODY on the dance floor for some grooving to kick things off!

Daddy's Girls on the dance floor

The Worthing's looked so cute in coordinating outfits

Mr Worthing loves the babies

The girls say "Woo-Hoo!"

and Teddy was the cutest Ringbearer ever - he went up to Jannie later in the night and asked her to dance by taking her hand and doing a little dance ;)

I like this picture of my dad- the party animal

Although no one can hold a candle to my mom who closed down the bar TWO nights out of three- she is crazy and we love you for it Life-of-The-Party Jannie!

Earl and his father-of-the-bride toast

Cheers to that!

Jen and Zach thanking Ann for all the planning

Clark and Jer- the two trouble makers :)

The food outside under the tent was amazing- grits and shrimp, oyster bar, pasta, authentic Nawlins food- and THEN inside the house was another jazz band, more good food and so many more beautiful flowers!

The girls were running wild

Pretty cake.. and pretty yummy

Another New Orleans tradition, the cake had charms on bracelets baked in and each bridesmaid pulled one outβ¦

One you licked the frosting off you found out which charm you got and Jen read us our fortune- mine was Bourbon Street so my fortune said I would be blessed with a lifetime of celebrations- I'll take it!

The boys

THe big girls still rallying at 10pm but looking a little tired

Jerry, Jannie and I

Cut the cake

Zach and his entourage of little ladies

Teddy loving his cake

Jannie and Lisa with Janie - Lisa was my "second mom" when I lived in their cottage and started my tutoring career on her four boys, I love Lisa and her family- and now she has a two month old grandbaby girl!

Here goes the bouquet

Gathering up all our stuff, can't stop taking pictures of these flowers/tables

Awww :) and now we're ready for the second half of the party⦠the Second Line!

and on the bus for the Second Line! The entire wedding party got dropped off by Jackson Square for a very NOLA tradition, processing through the French Quarter with hankies and beads lead by a Jazz Band - I mean how much fun can you have in one night?!

Here we go

Francie was waving her hankie like a mad woman on Pat's shouldersβ¦


Love this picture of my Dad and Ann

and my favorite pictures of the weekend- Mr and Mrs Neeley loving their parade!!! They are so cute :)




Jerry said "I'll take that Pat, I think she's had enough."

Little brother and Big Sis (and an impromptu baby sling so I had a free hand for flowers/pictures/beers)

Yup- especially beers ;)

Maisie outlasted her sis and got a RIDE on the horsey carriage with Jen's grandparents and Aunt. All she talked about all night and the next morning

Heff babyless for a short minute

Living it up with the Johnets!

This is where we broke off from the crowd (continuing on to Bourbon Street after party) and took the girls to bed. Luckily we conned one of the babysitters from the reception to come to our hotel room to watch the big girls while Heff and I went to the afterparty :)

Yup, outnumbered.

Francie kept falling over as Heff carried both of them and two diaper bags and Maisie held her head and said "I Got Ga-Ga!" good try at least Maisie.

Bourbon Street

and that's all folks :) What a fun day and night!!!